Good news! Our JV football game that was scheduled to be played at BR this Thursday will now be played at HOME. Kickoff is still at 6:30. 9/24 HOME vs. BR. We will also be hosting our varsity game on 9/25. 🏈🐾
Information on Free Food!
Varsity Football @ Chip Hills Livestream Information
Congrats to the RCHS Equestrian Team!
2020 District 8 Reserve Champions - Wish them luck at regionals! Go Coyotes!
Cheerleading is starting again!
Practice this week Wednesday and Thursday 3:30-5pm.
Must wear a mask the whole time
Bring own water bottle
Meet Coach K near Mr Harrison’s room at 3:30 ready to go.
Contact Coach Kosmalski with any questions.
This is great news!
Please submit any Face Covering/Mask Waiver Exemption Requests to building principals as soon as possible. The District Return to School Roadmap plan requires a review of all medical requests prior to implementing them. A medical request also creates a need for the District to initiate or process consideration of the request under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Please be advised that students who are medically exempt from wearing masks may be required to wear face shields. The District may require additional precautions to ensure staff and student safety. If the District determines that your student is unable to safely attend school, the District may require your student to participate in our comparable Learn from Home virtual program.
Michael L. Sweet
Updated calendars have been posted. The first day of school is August 31, 2020. This is a 1/2 day.
Please review our Covid-19 Preparedness and Response Plan here:
Our Return to School Highlights here:
Both are posted on our website under "Return to School Information" in the main menu.
At the 8/6/20 school board meeting, the decision was made to move the opening day of school for students to 08/31/20. Our return to school plan and additional information will be shared here and posted on our website shortly.
Please see information on High School Fall Practice Dates and Times
2020 - 2021 High School Registration Information
Tonight we will be holding a Special Board Meeting at 6:00 P.M. You can view the meeting on our Reed City Area Public Schools YouTube channel at this link:
YouTube link for viewing:
If you would like to make a public comment you will click on the link (or copy and paste) below "Join Zoom Meeting", the public comment is right at the beginning of the meeting so you will want to “join” the meeting a few minutes before the meeting starts. You will hang out in the waiting room till the public comment section of the meeting. When I let you in then you can make your comment. To view the meeting till then and after your comment, you can use the YouTube link above. There is a delay between the Zoom meeting and the YouTube stream.
Topic: Board of Education Special Meeting August 6, 2020
Time: Aug 6, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 989 7387 2538
Passcode: 49677
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,98973872538#,,,,,,0#,,49677# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,98973872538#,,,,,,0#,,49677# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 989 7387 2538
Passcode: 49677
Find your local number:
If you have any issues email
Today is the last day of the summer for FREE FOOD
TODAY August 4th - 11:30 - 2:30
**Food Pickup** Please open your trunk/hatch to receive your meal(s) in the high school pickup line. 18 and Under
FREE! TODAY August 4th, 2020! Food Pickup ⏰ 11:30 - 2:30 🚗 Food Pickup 🍎 Multiple Meals 📍 High School Loading Dock, Door 22, West Side
*Reminder* FOOD - - August 4th - 11:30 - 2:30
This is the last food pickup of the summer!
**Food Pickup** Please open your trunk/hatch to receive your meal(s) in the high school pickup line. 18 and Under FREE! TOMORROW August 4th, 2020! Food Pickup
⏰ 11:30 - 2:30
🚗 Food Pickup
🍎 Multiple Meals
📍 High School Loading Dock, Door 22, West Side
FYI - The cacellation of Speed Training on Sunday July 26th is NOT related to COVID-19.
Speed Training for Sunday, July 26th is CANCELED.
News Article - July 22, 2020
Please see some final notes on our gradution celebration tomorrow. #CoyoteStrong #BetterTogether
Good Morning! A quick video message with two points.